Thursday, May 29, 2014

China Dolls

These are just two of the hottest models of the moment. They are being used by all labels and countries. Not only because they are marketable, being used to push these brands to the biggest market - China, but because they are gorgeous, graceful and unique.

China's first - Du Juan

Having flower bud lips and a face that doesn't age. Not very tall but so recognisable. Her wide set eyes are so ethereal and sets her apart.

Liu Wen - Definitely a fashion heavy weight, she has been recruited by everyone and anyone you can think of, even being the first Asian model to walk for Victoria's secret. Her fierceness but also cuteness, the sweet gummy smile and the street fashion has pushed her up the ranks of Chinese fashion models.

Oh and did I mention how elegant she looks???

I will get onto the rest another day :) but these two ladies were the first two truly international models from China.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Miranda Miranda

One of my inspirations, shes beautiful inside and out, a mother, married, an entrepreneur, follower of yoga and an organic lifestyle, and a victoria's secrets angel and she is only 27.

Good genetics play a part of course but her body bounced back like nothing else after giving birth.....she still looks insanely good no matter what. She never looks trashy despite taking part of numerous nude/semi-nude photo shoots, and why not when you have a sensational body like that ^^

Hungry for More

Is obsession as strong enough word to describe what I feel about this boy? He has brought Peeta to life in the best way possible. Jennifer also brings out Katniss's strengh and complexities perfectly.

Loving Peeta from the books, I am so glad they cast someone with talent. Josh had the ability to catch all the nuances of emotion, however fleeting they may be. Now am literally going into withdrawal symptoms for the next movie.....I do not think I can stand the wait :(

Ahhh smiles, how rarely it is seen in the movies, but fair enough! I would not feel any occasion to smile either if 23 other teenages where out to kill me. Also I would not survive a day out in the wild either haha.

Saturday, April 7, 2012